Gemma and Luke had some friends over last night for a camp out. Surprisingly, this brave group of 5, 6, 7 & 8 year-olds stayed outside all night long. But what had them up at the crack of dawn?? THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM!!! Oops......

From left: Noah Ruegg, Anna Royuk, Luke, Gemma & Lizzy Schultz
From left: Noah Ruegg, Anna Royuk, Luke, Gemma & Lizzy Schultz
Hi Danna--I found your blog when I googled 'Johnson farm milk Seward County' based on an article I saw in the Lincoln Journal this week. My search took me to your blog from August '09 where you wrote about helping to get the Johnson's started with their raw milk production. Last fall I visited the Branched Oak Farm when they had an open house and became interested in finding out more about raw milk. How are the Johnson's doing? Are they selling all their milk?
ReplyDeleteJoanne Neeley