I finally figured out how to set up a blog so this will give you a chance to peek in on the Seevers family at your convenience! I will try to post some updated photos soon so check back!
Marshall is 11 days old today and still sleeping ALOT! I have to wake him for almost every feeding. The only time he cries is when he's having his diaper changed and sometimes when he's getting a little "too much" attention from his siblings. Gemma wants to know why he stops crying whenever Mommy picks him up.
Scott is back to work this week but won't travel until next week (thank God!). He did such a great job of taking care of ALL of us over the past week, I wish he could be home all the time. Although it did help that we had several gifts of meals delivered by family and friends!

The girls are just crazy over Marshall but fight constantly over who held him last, who held him longer, who gets to hold him next etc... Meanwhile, after being potty trained since age 2, Luke has suddenly begun wetting his pants during the day. It's a loud and clear "hey, what about me!?"
As for me, I'm recovering slowly by my standards but feel a little stronger every day. My workout partner, Laurie, is patiently waiting for me to return to our exercise routine. I'm trying to figure out how I will nurse a baby every 3 hours for the next 8 weeks, put three meals on the table, be taxi to the girls, fulfill church obligations, be a companion to my husband, work out, keep up with laundry and clutter and not park my 3- year old in front of the TV!! I guess standards will be dropping at the Seevers house for a while!
Here are some photos we took at the hospital:
Hi Danna & Family - Marshall is beautiful as are his siblings. I can't wait to meet him in WV. Take care, Love, Cousin Mandy in Alaska
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the birth of your new son! WOW - 4 children - who would have ever thought??? You have a beautiful family! Take Care
ReplyDeleteLynda Gustafson-Bartone-Lomas
Hi Danna, Scott & Co,
ReplyDeleteCongratulation on your birthday Scott, may all your wishes come true.
To me Marshall looks just like Gemma when she was little (I hope I am not hurting anybody's feelings) but she is the only one from the Seevers clan whom I know from the very start...
Loads of love for all of you from NYC,
Faiza & Co